OnApp Announces the Dawn of the Virtual Service Provider
MIAMI, June 17, 2014 /PRNewswire/ --
New OnApp VSP edition, and open source user portal, provides turnkey platform for highly differentiated global and local cloud services built on the OnApp Federation
Today at HostingCon 2014, OnApp announced a turnkey software platform that enables a new breed of Virtual Service Provider (VSP) to sell global cloud services using capacity from the OnApp Federation, without needing any datacenter infrastructure of their own.
The OnApp Federation is a global network of OnApp clouds that offers on-demand capacity at 170 locations, in 113 cities across 43 countries. OnApp's new VSP edition of the OnApp cloud platform enables VSPs to package and sell this capacity to meet very specific customer and application needs. For example, including or excluding specific countries, to offer hosting that complies with data protection and privacy legislation; using capacity that meets a specific SLA, performance or price point; or creating services based on other characteristics, such as using locations that run on renewable energy.
"The VSP concept is all about differentiation and demand," said Ditlev Bredahl, CEO of OnApp. "The OnApp Federation offers huge geographic diversity and many different kinds of cloud infrastructure. We're enabling our hosting providers to use that global pool of cloud capacity to create highly targeted cloud hosting services, deploying applications for their clients using on-demand infrastructure where they need it, and with the specific characteristics they need. And by creating this new VSP market, we are driving demand for OnApp clients who contribute that capacity. It works because it's a channel for OnApp cloud providers, as well as a platform for VSPs."
OnApp is also announcing a new open source control panel for VSPs, which offers a turnkey portal for their customers to deploy, manage and get support for applications hosted on OnApp Federation infrastructure. The new control panel comes pre-integrated with the OnApp platform for cloud server deployment and management; with ZenDesk for customer support; and with payment portals including Stripe and Paypal. The new control panel gives VSPs a complete web front end for their cloud business that can be put into production immediately, or customized however they wish with other modules (such as different support or payment systes) integrated via a full API.
Existing OnApp clients benefit from the new software tools too. To become a VSP a company can either deploy the VSP edition of OnApp on their own server, or go to market with no hardware at all using a virtual instance of OnApp hosted by an existing OnApp cloud provider. The VSP manages their cloud service via the virtual instance, or they can have it managed for them by an OnApp cloud provider. Their clients use the open source control panel to deploy, monitor and get support for their applications.
The new control panel is currently in beta testing as the user interface for Cloud.net, and will be offered free of charge with source code available from github. General Availability of the VSP edition of OnApp, and the open source control panel, will follow later this year.
Yesterday at HostingCon, OnApp announced the ability for cloud providers to share compute resources (CPU, RAM and storage) through the OnApp Federation, so that their customers can deploy applications all over the world, on demand. With more than twice the number of locations as the Amazon and Microsoft clouds combined, the addition of compute to the OnApp Federation will create the world's biggest public cloud - one that enables service providers to be as global, or as focused on specific customer needs, as they want.
Service providers can register their interest for the federation at http://onapp.com/federation.
OnApp is exhibiting at HostingCon 2014 at the Miami Beach Convention Center in Miami Beach, Florida from Monday, June 16th through Wednesday, June 18th. To meet with OnApp and see federated compute in action, visit the OnApp #VIPLounge in room #D232 and the OnApp booth #806.
If you are a member of the press or analyst community and interested in speaking with OnApp at HostingCon, email OnApp@marchpr.com or call 617-960-9882 to set up a meeting during the event.
About OnApp
OnApp provides a complete Infrastructure-as-a-Service platform for hosts, telcos and MSPs, with one fully automated control panel for cloud services, dedicated servers, CDN, storage and more, and an easy way to expand using the world's largest federated cloud. More than 800 service providers in 87 countries run on OnApp.
OnApp launched in July 2010 and has more than 120 staff across the EU, U.S. and Asia-Pacific. For more information visit http://onapp.com.
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March Communications
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