Orexo´s Nomination Committee for the Annual General Meeting 2020
UPPSALA, Sweden, Oct. 14, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Prior to the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in 2020, Orexo has appointed a Nomination Committee which represents approximately 44 percent of the number of votes in the company as of September 30, 2019.
The Nomination Committee, comprises:
- Christian Salling, Novo Holdings A/S, also Chairman of the Nomination Committee
- Björn Odlander, HealthCap
- Claus Berner Møller, Arbejdsmarkedets Tillaegspension (ATP)
- Martin Nicklasson, Chairman of the Board of Orexo
The Nomination Committee will prepare proposals to the AGM regarding Chairman of the Meeting, Chairman of the Board, Board members, Board member fees, any remuneration for committee work, and fees to the auditor as well as principles for the composition of the Nomination Committee.
The Nomination Committee's proposals will be presented in the Notice of the AGM and on Orexo's website, www.orexo.com.
Shareholders who want to submit proposals to the Nomination Committee can do this by sending an e-mail to ir@orexo.com (subject "Nomination Committee") or by letter posted to "Orexo's Nomination Committee", Orexo AB, P.O. Box 303, SE-751 05 Uppsala, Sweden, by February 14, 2020 at the latest.
The AGM will be held on Thursday, April 16, 2020 at 4:00 pm CET in Uppsala, Sweden. Shareholders who want to have a matter addressed at the AGM must submit such a proposal to the same address as above (subject "Annual General Meeting" for the e-mail and the letter, respectively) by March 6, 2020 at the latest.
For further information, please contact:
Orexo AB (publ.)
Joseph DeFeo, EVP and CFO
Tel: +46 (0)18 780 88 00
E-mail: ir@orexo.com
Lena Wange, IR & Communications Manager
Tel: +46 (0)18 780 88 00
E-mail: ir@orexo.com
About Orexo
Orexo develops improved pharmaceuticals based on innovative drug delivery technologies. The focus is primarily on opioid addiction and pain but the aim is to address therapeutic areas where our competence and technologies can create value. The products are commercialized by Orexo in the US or via partners worldwide. The main market today is the American market for buprenorphine/naloxone products, where Orexo sells the product Zubsolv®. Total net sales for 2018 amounted to SEK 783.1 million and the number of employees was 129. Orexo is listed on the Nasdaq Stockholm Mid Cap (ORX) and is available as ADRs on OTCQX (ORXOY) in the US. The head office, where research and development is also performed, is situated in Uppsala, Sweden.
For more information about Orexo please visit, www.orexo.com. You can also follow Orexo on Twitter, @orexoabpubl, LinkedIn and YouTube.
The information was submitted for publication at 5.30 pm CET, on October 14, 2019.
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Orexo´s Nomination Committee for the Annual General Meeting 2020 |

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