SAN ANTONIO, Texas, May 20, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Petrotechnical Data Systems (PDS) announced today during the 2019 AAPG Annual Conference and Exhibition held in San Antonio, Texas, the commercial availability of Ava® Structure; the latest addition to the Ava Saas Product Line.
A major uncertainty in the appraisal,development and production phases of petroleum reservoirs is the extent to which faults extend, and whether such extensions are likely to generate compartments. Limited by the resolution of geophysical and structural interpretations, all too often, compartments only reveal themselves during production, when mitigation actions are uneconomic or technically impossible. To address this, Ava Structure helps geoscientists assess the quality of their structural interpretations, allowing them to explore fault connectivity scenarios and investigate the risk of compartmentalisation and its impact on field development.
Ava Structure takes raw interpretation results as input and uses established geological rules to perform automated analyses to derive probability distributions for the extension of each interpreted fault. Interactive diagnostics enable geoscientists to focus their interpretation efforts on those faults most likely to impact reservoir compartmentalisation. Once geologically realistic structural scenarios have been created, geoscientists use Ava Structure's automated post-processing functionality to create optimised inputs for established structural and property modelling workflows.
"Ava Structure results in a set of realistic structural models, each with a plausible set of fault compartments that can be used as base cases and alternatives (e.g. P10, P90) for further scenario-based modelling work," explains Mark Verschuren, a Principal Geologist at PDS Group and Ava Structure Product Owner.
In common with other Ava products, Ava Structure connects to the Petrel[1] E&P software platform via a plug-in, and provides a robust audit trail. Ava products' web based architecture supports collaboration and peer review.
"Ava Structure broadens the footprint of our Ava portfolio across the geomodelling landscape. Our products are starting to provide the framework and automated processing that geoscientists need to undertake multi-scenario structural and property modelling There is much more to do and I am excited when I look at the roadmap for the next 12 months," Viki O'Connor, Subsurface Director – PDS Group.
To learn more about Ava Structure, visit, or our booth #1145 during the 2019 AAPG ACE.
About PDS
Petrotechnical Data Systems is a leading provider of petrotechnical software solutions to the petroleum industry. For twenty-five years PDS has delivered innovative software technologies, R&D and consulting services to the petroleum industry from technology centres in The Hague, Houston, London, and Sofia.
[1] *Mark of Schlumberger
Media Relations Contact:
Laura Roberts, Ava Marketing Manager
+44 (0) 7378244240

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