Product Feature Hot in Demand: Security-and With Utimaco's OEM Program, Integrating Crypto Technology Into Your Own Proprietary Products is a Cinch
AACHEN, Germany, November 13, 2013 /PRNewswire/ --
Utimaco is demonstrating the full development environment for its HSMs-at CARTES in Paris from November 19 to 21
While the use of hardware as OEM products is part of everyday business, hardware security modules (HSMs) have rarely or not at all been used as OEM components to date. And this despite the fact that encryption and digital signatures are becoming more and more important for many application in various vertical market segments. Utimaco now markets its HSMs as tailor-made OEM components, as well as provides consulting, support, and logistics-features that are normally not standard on the OEM market.
"We understand that the effective use of HSMs as OEM components is just one of four areas that our customers have to consider," explains Horst Kruse, OEM Program Manager at Utimaco. "At the same time, every company and every instance of application is so unique that we have decided to offer our OEM Program with four modules, which can be combined to meet the customer's precise needs. The modules cover the areas Product, Consulting, Support, and Logistics."
The integration of crypto technology requires a slew of know-how, which Utimaco's engineers deliver through consulting and individual training on demand. Support for the HSMs, too, has to be provided to the end customer, which, without a Service Level Agreement, can become an unpredictable challenge for many companies. Last but not least, logistics requires special attention due to the international export controls that HSMs have to undergo.
This year at CARTES, Utimaco is demonstrating a full development environment for its CryptoServer and which runs entirely within its HSMs-thus giving interested customers of OEM components deep insights into the adaptability and performance of its CryptoServer. "Of course, the CARTES trade fair gives visitors first and foremost the chance to come into contact with experts. But at our stand, they can also literally grasp our crypto technology. This enables us to turn the abstract idea of encryption into something tangible and transparent, particularly for newcomers to the sector," emphasizes Andreas Philipp, Head of Sales CryptoServer. To support this even further, Utimaco is also leveraging CARTES to launch its own English-language blog focusing on everything centered around HSM technology: The blog is specifically aimed at users of hardware security modules-whether beginners or experts.
Visit Utimaco's stand K 082 in Hall 4. If you're interested in dropping by, you can request free tickets for CARTES at
About Utimaco
Utimaco Safeware AG has been a global leading provider for data encryption and the related cryptography for 25 years. The division of Hardware Security Modules (HSM) provides a comprehensive product portfolio for security requirements in industrial applications including the only freely-programmable HSM technology. Utimaco HSM develops and produces its CryptoServer product lines exclusively in its German headquarters. Utimaco HSM operates globally through its own sales and service network in Germany and North America and through its international partner network.
Press contact
Tanja Tölke
Marketing Manager HSM
Utimaco Safeware AG
Germanusstr. 4
DE-52080 Aachen
Fon: +49-241-1696-210
Fax: +49-241-1696-199
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