LONDON, April 6, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- The Brattle Group has welcomed Dr. Peter Davis to its London office as a Principal. He brings deep expertise in competition and regulatory investigations, including experience in matters related to cartels, class actions, mergers and acquisitions, and market investigations.
"We're thrilled to have Peter on board to enhance our offerings to European clients," said Brattle President & Principal David L. Sunding. "In addition to being a highly respected economist, Peter's time in academia and hands-on experience at the UK Competition Commission position him uniquely as an expert."
"Brattle has built an enviable team of experts with a broad range of agency and other competition experience across Europe, North America, and Asia Pacific. I am delighted to be the latest addition to this terrific global team," Dr. Davis said. "I'm particularly looking forward to continuing to expand our competition work on UK damages actions, collective proceedings, and merger investigations."
Dr. Davis has provided written or oral testimony in matters before the UK Competition Appeal Tribunal, the High Court of England and Wales, the Directorate-General for Competition, the UK Competition and Markets Authority, the Competition Commission, the Office of Fair Trading, the Financial Conduct Authority, and the Competition Commission of South Africa. He has also written on a variety of topics in the antitrust space – including competition analysis and damages claims – and has been published in peer-reviewed journals, such as The Journal of Industrial Economics, the Journal of Econometrics, and the RAND Journal of Economics.
Before joining Brattle, Dr. Davis was the head of an international economics consultancy's London office and European competition practice. He has also served on the faculty at the London School of Economics and the MIT Sloan School of Management. Dr. Davis has previously served as President of the Association of Competition Economics.
About Brattle
The Brattle Group answers complex economic, finance, and regulatory questions for corporations, law firms, and governments around the world. We are distinguished by the clarity of our insights and the credibility of our experts, which include leading international academics and industry specialists. Brattle has over 400 talented professionals across three continents. For more information, please visit
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