Sweco publishes Annual and Sustainability Report for 2023
STOCKHOLM, March 28, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Sweco (NASDAQ: SWEC-B) reports a year of robust growth driven by the ongoing green transition and consolidates its position as Europe's leading architecture and engineering consultancy. Total Net Sales amounted to SEK 29 billion (EUR 2.5 billion) and the order book remains strong with 22,000 experts working closely with clients in 150,000 ongoing projects.
Sales increased 17 per cent to SEK 28.5 billion and EBITA increased 18 per cent to SEK 2.5 billion. This was mainly driven by major client investments, from both the public and the private sectors, in the accelerating green transition. Most Business Areas experienced good demand for Sweco's services within infrastructure, water, environment, and industry as well as for securing the resilience of cities and communities. Demand for services in parts of the construction and real estate segments continued to weaken.
"Sweco is seizing market opportunities driven by the race towards net zero across Europe and is advising public and private clients in the energy, transportation, industrial and urban transitions. Sustainability and digitalisation, now spearheaded by AI, remain catalysts for innovation and efficiency in our work and present excellent business opportunities for Sweco to leverage," says Åsa Bergman, President and CEO of Sweco.
During 2023, Sweco welcomed close to 5,000 new employees by way of active recruitment and acquisitions. Ten acquisitions that added SEK 1.8 billion in revenue and more than 1,200 new experts where completed, which expanded Sweco's expertise and scope within growth areas.
Sweco's client-focused approach was confirmed in the annual survey with an average client satisfaction score of 8.8 out of 10. Sweco retains its position as one of the industry's most attractive employers and employee satisfaction remains high.
Sweco's primary contribution to sustainable societal development, involving areas including reduced carbon footprint, is manifested through the 150,000 ongoing client projects for the private and public sector. In its own operations, Sweco has a goal of climate neutrality by 2040, to be achieved in part by halving the company's carbon dioxide emissions by 2030.
This disclosure contains information that SWECO is obliged to make public pursuant to the Swedish Securities Markets Act (2007:528). The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person, on 28-03-2024 07:20 CET.
For additional information, please contact:
Anna E Olsson, Head of Press, Sweco Group, +4670 557 33 26, anna.e.olsson@sweco.se
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Åsa Bergman CEO Sweco |

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