The European Art of Taste presents the project companies at China-Italy Fresh Summit
The trends and prospects of the Italy-China fruit and vegetable trades will be the focus of the event organized by CSO Italy at the China Day of Macfrut 2021 on 6 September at 10 am CET
BOLOGNA, Italy, Aug. 2, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- After almost two years of instability due to the Covid-19 pandemic, trade between Italy and China is once again growing. According to elaborations by the Embassy of Italy based on ICE data, from January to April 2021 the total Italian exports to China reached 5 billion euros in total, after the 3.2 billion euros in the same period of 2020.
Of these, agricultural production reaches only 44.4 million euros, while the exports are machinery and equipment with 3.7 billion euros.
It is more than ever necessary to take stock of the situation of trade in fruit and vegetables and we take the opportunity of the China Day organized by Macfrut, the Italian fruit and vegetable sector fair to evaluate, with data and insights, the commercial situation and prospects.
The China Italy Fresh Summit is an event organized as part of The European Art Of Taste project, now in its third year of activity, and scheduled for September 6 at 10 am CET. Thanks to the project it will be possible to put in contact some of the most important Italian fruit and vegetable production companies with Chinese buyers and importers.
Apofruit, Origine Group, Jingold, King Fruit and RK Growers will participate directly in the event highlighting the great qualitative evolution of Italian fruit and vegetable production.
The name of the project could not be more appropriate, The European Art Of Taste: Italian Fruit & Veg Masterpieces is aimed at the Asian market with Italian fruit and vegetable excellence and innovation, waiting to be discovered.
The event is free, while participation in the webinar can be done by registering online at this link:
For more information and details:;

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