The first three years of the CSO ITALY project The European Art of Taste come to an end with excellent results in terms of contacts reached
BOLOGNA, Italy, Jan. 27, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- The European Art of Taste, the project funded by the European Union and CSO Italy, to celebrate and promote the Made in Europe production of kiwis, oranges and processed fruit and vegetables, in the markets of China, Hong Kong, Japan and Taiwan, reaches its conclusion with important results both from a commercial point of view, confirming the great interest in Italian productions, and the great potential of communication projects.
The three-year project allowed the companies part of EAOT (Apofruit, Origine Group, Jingold, King Fruit and RK Growers) to make the characteristics of production known and establish themselves in the market as a reliable player thanks to their production, logistic and high quality regulated by the European Union.
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has led the project to reinvent itself in new ways, focusing on online communication and organizing remote meetings to strengthen relationships built over time, effectively supporting more conventional activities such as fairs, in-store activities and involving some of the most important influencers and journalists of the target countries.
Through press releases and PR activities, in fact, EAOT has managed to get in touch with over 3 billion potential users, taking advantage of social networks with dedicated pages and initiatives such as contests. There were over 20 fairs in which EAOT presented its initiatives, with events that brought journalists and professionals from the Asian sector directly to the production fields, without forgetting the over 300 days of actions in shopping centers, press dinners and activities on website and social networks that have helped to spread the values, quality and food safety that distinguish Made in Europe products.
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