The Jeffrey Sachs Center on Sustainable Development at Sunway University
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, Oct. 7, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- In April 2016, the Jeffrey Cheah Foundation (JCF) and the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network Association (UNSDSN) announced a strategic collaboration on sustainable development as the United Nations enters the first year of implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The collaboration has led to the setting up of Jeffrey Sachs Center on Sustainable Development at Sunway University to be launched in December 2016. The pioneering Center will be a hub for research and policy practice, creating world-class programmes to train a new generation of students, practitioners and policy leaders, develop linkages with universities, industries, government bodies, NGOs and social enterprises around the world in sustainable development.
The partnership, borne with a generous contribution of USD10 million from the JCF is in tune with the Sunway Education Group's Founder Tan Sri Dr Jeffrey Cheah's goal of sustainable development as seen today with the integrated Sunway City, transformed from what was previously a derelict mining land. The transformation is a model reflection of sustainable development.
"This partnership signals the vision of Tan Sri Dr Jeffrey Cheah, AO in recognising that sustainable development is the defining challenge of our times," said Professor Jeffrey Sachs, Director of the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network and Special Advisor to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon of the United Nations. "This generous gift by Jeffrey Cheah will create and curate the world's best curriculum, academic, and executive programs on sustainable development. Importantly, this partnership focuses on the development challenges in Southeast Asia and the best way to address them: by engaging young minds and directing their energies towards the complex challenges and opportunities of the SDGs."
"Countries like Malaysia face unique challenges in combating the threat of climate change while continuing to tackle problems of inclusive development and job creation," said Tan Sri Dr Jeffrey Cheah, AO. "This is an exciting opportunity for us at Sunway University to collaborate with UNSDSN and Professor Sachs in establishing a global education program on Sustainable Development with the Center. The JCF deems it appropriate to name this Center after Professor Sachs hoping it will inspire a new generation of young minds to create a sustainable future for all and at the same time pay tribute to a renowned global intellectual leader who has dedicated his life's work to sustainable development.
With the establishment of the Jeffrey Sachs Center on Sustainable Development, I believe that we have taken an important step in the right direction to develop the global expertise needed to move Malaysia and Asia forward in the area of sustainable development, to protect and preserve the planet. World-class infrastructure is already available to house the Center at Sunway University, located in the thriving township of Sunway, a testament to rehabilitation and sustainability."
A one-day conference will be held in conjunction with the launch ceremony of the Jeffrey Sachs Center on Sustainable Development on 9 December 2016 at Sunway University. For more information please email:
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