ThroughPut Gears up for Revolutionary Product Update, Brings World's Leading Decision Scientist and Theory of Constraints Expert Dr. Alan Barnard on Board.
MENLO PARK, California, Sept. 3, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- The renowned CEO of Goldratt Research Labs and one of the world's leading Decision Scientists and Theory of Constraints experts, Dr. Alan Barnard has recently joined the Advisory Board of ThroughPut Inc., the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Supply Chain pioneer that enables companies to detect, prioritize and alleviate dynamic operational bottlenecks just-in-time.
Dr. Alan Barnard co-founded the Goldratt Research Labs alongside the creator of Theory of Constraints, Dr. Eli Goldratt with the aim of formulating a scientific approach to improve organizational decision making. In the last decade of its operations, the research institute has partnered with leading Fortune 500 companies, NGOs and government bodies to enable people to make faster and better decisions. Today, among the many hats he wears, Alan is also a speaker, author and active member of several non-profit organizations and universities.
"We are honored that Dr. Alan Barnard has joined the ThroughPut team as an advisor," said Ali Raza, Founder and CEO of ThroughPut Inc. "ThroughPut was founded on Eli Goldratt's vision that any operation could be transformed if operations people adopted a bottleneck-first versus a fire-first mentality. This shift in mindset has enabled operations to double output, drive millions more in sales, restore profitably, save jobs, and ultimately transform time at work (work culture). It has worked for decades because it's a physics-based approach. The tragedy is that almost nobody knows about it in operations today. To democratize that vision into our ELI AI software with the support from Eli Goldratt's co-founder, business partner, and friend Dr. Alan Barnard suddenly reframes everything we thought was possible and challenges all of our assumptions. Looking back at all the bottlenecks we had to overcome as a startup, we feel grateful today to bring ELI home to the leaders of Eli Goldratt's community for further support."
He further added, "We look forward to working with Alan, who can eliminate preconceived notions that currently constrain our own understanding of the Theory of Constraints and its potential. Together, we hope to make ELI's next version 10x more impactful for the world. It is a privilege to have Alan join our bold goal: eliminating trillions of dollars of wasted working capital, which can be better reinvested in human capital. We would like to formally welcome Dr. Alan Barnard, the world's leading decision scientist and Theory of Constraints expert to ThroughPut's advisory board."
"I am very excited and honored to be joining the board of Throughput. At a time when data-driven decision making is no longer a choice, but a necessity for survival and growth, a product like ELI offers operations managers a step-change in the speed and quality of decision making for identifying and eliminating supply chain and process bottlenecks. I am looking forward to sharing my three decades of experience in helping global organizations implement Theory of Constraints, to further enhance the incredible value and new insights that ELI can help organizations unlock from their existing data," said Dr. Alan Barnard, CEO Goldratt Research Labs.
Further, Bhaskar Ballapragada, the CTO of ThroughPut commented, "We have built a software platform for Operations Managers by leveraging the principles of the Theory of Constraints with support from our advisors in Operations Research, Signal Processing, and AI. I am thrilled to have Alan, the foremost authority on the subject on our Advisory Team and incorporate the expertise and knowledge that he has, having worked with Eli Goldratt and various industries across the globe."
As ThroughPut gears up to bring to market an upgraded software, expertise of Dr. Alan Barnard will be a great value add to the organization.
About ThroughPut Inc.:
ThroughPut Inc. is the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Supply Chain pioneer that enables companies to increase output, quality and profitability through bottleneck elimination. ThroughPut's Supply Chain AI Platform, ELI, includes the only Bottleneck Management System (BMS) that utilizes existing enterprise databases, such as ERP, MES, IMS, TMS, WMS, PLC, EAM, POS, CRM, SCADA and other data systems, to solve the bottleneck problem across global supply chains already today. ThroughPut's systems are designed by Fortune 500 geo-market logistics leaders and Silicon Valley analytics and domain experts with decades of experience in the space. ELI thinks like an operations manager and automatically provides domain expertise, insights, and recommendations in real-time, which current static Business Intelligence and Analytics tools do not effectively capture. ThroughPut's dynamic insights include real-time resource allocation recommendations, granular root causes, and operational process stability analysis. ELI enables process improvement experts and operations managers to reduce cycle times and operational unpredictability across some of the most advanced process industries, including automotive, manufacturing, oil & gas, transportation & aviation, chemical processing, energy, and others.
More information about ThroughPut is available at:

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