Tokenized selected by Aequantium LLC to tokenise equity and debt instruments using the BSV blockchain
BRISBANE, Australia, Sept. 20, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Tokenized, an Australian financial technology company that offers a suite of smart contracting and digital asset software tools, has entered into a development and service agreement with Aequantium LLC, a start-up managed futures fund manager, to create and issue investment tokens for investors, as well as provide smart contract management and services.
Tokenized are the creators of the Tokenized platform, a smart contracting platform that enables both issuers and investors to issue, manage and trade tokens, as well as interact with smart contracts and supporting services in an easy-to-use and streamlined manner. The platform is built atop the Tokenized Protocol, an open-source application layer protocol maintained and operated by Tokenized that is used to capture, standardise and automate transactions between financial firms.
The Aequantium volatility fund is a managed futures fund designed to hold cash and other collateral against a portfolio of exchange-traded futures and options on designated contract markets. Under the terms of the agreement, Tokenized will provide smart contract management and internal control accounting solutions to Aequantium, with all important records timestamped and stored directly on the BSV blockchain. In addition, Aequantium will leverage the Tokenized system for the on-chain verification of token transactions, as well as to provide access to fund data for both participants and regulators.
The Tokenized protocol leverages the BSV blockchain for its service offerings. The BSV network is used by both public and private entities as the basis for their blockchain-based applications because of its unique ability to scale unbounded, enabling diverse data functionality, micro and nano-payments, enhanced capacity and massive throughput capabilities. It is the world's largest public blockchain by all major utility metrics such as data storage and daily transaction volume, scaling ability and average block size.
Speaking on today's announcement, James Belding, CEO of Tokenized, said:
"We are thrilled to be working with Aequantium - a forward-thinking start-up set to deliver unique value to its client by leveraging blockchain technology to create tokenised financial instruments. As we continue to refine the Tokenized platform, we are confident that we can deliver a big win for Aequantium's management and investors. We are looking forward to a long-standing collaboration with team Aequantium."
Also commenting, Geoffrey Hammond, Manager of Aequantium LLC, said:
"The Tokenized platform enables our business to implement several new and innovative features, including issuing tokens – digital assets controlled by smart contracts – to represent participation in the fund. This unique approach unlocks a host of new features and ways to interact with the fund for investors and regulators alike – factors we believe will help set Aequantium apart."
To learn more about Tokenized, Aequantium and BSV, see Geoffrey Hammond speak at the CoinGeek conference in New York on October 6, as he presents on how blockchain technology is being used as a tool to disrupt traditional futures markets.
About Tokenized
Tokenized is an award-winning Australian start-up with a mission to revolutionise capital markets through the digital transformation of financial contracts. Its flagship product, the Tokenized smart contracting platform, enables smart contracts and tokenized instruments stored on the BSV blockchain to be drafted, reviewed, executed, traded and managed in a no-code and user-friendly way. The Tokenized platform delivers real and significant value to organisations that are issuing and investing in private securities. Tokenized is on a mission to build software solutions that make voluntary exchange better, faster and cheaper. Learn more about Tokenized and its revolutionary platform by visiting and by following @Tokenized-com on Twitter.
About Aequantium
Aequantium LLC is a start-up futures fund manager based in Portland, Oregon. Aequantium is licensed by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and is a member of the National Futures Association. The fund was established to trade futures and options on blockchain assets available for trading on traditional commodity exchanges. For more information visit

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