TV Licensing Reminder About Free Over 75 Licence
LONDON, November 4, 2011 /PRNewswire/ --
With at least 44,000 people in the UK due to turn 75 in the next 12 months and currently benefitting from a short-term TV Licence, TV Licensing and Age UK are reminding them they will be entitled to a free licence on their 75th birthday.
Anyone aged 75 or over is entitled to a free TV Licence for their main address, and nearly 4 million people across the UK already enjoy the benefits of the concession.
Those eligible can apply online at or by calling 0300-790-6073. In addition, if you live with someone aged over 75, their free licence will cover all the equipment in the property, meaning you could also benefit, whatever age you are.
TV Licensing has been working with advice groups for older people across the UK to make sure anyone who is eligible is aware of the free over 75 TV Licence.
Michelle Mitchell, charity director for Age UK, said:
"The cost of living continues to rise and affects everyone, but particularly older people who live on low fixed incomes. The free over 75 licence is a valuable concession which offers older people the chance to have a little extra to put towards other bills. We would encourage those who are already 75 and have not yet applied for their free licence to contact TV Licensing. Those aged 74 should also get in touch so that a short term licence can be arranged."
Applying for a free licence is easy and, once you have done so, TV Licensing will renew your licence automatically on an annual basis for three years, cutting down on excess paperwork.
Pauline Gillingham, TV Licensing spokesperson, said:
"Anyone aged 75 or older is entitled to a free TV Licence. It's quick and easy to apply either online at or by calling 0300-790-6073."
The free licence is not granted automatically so those who are eligible need to make sure they remember to apply and get in touch with TV Licensing directly.
Customers should also be aware that some changes have recently been made to the annual Direct Debit renewal process. Those paying in this way will now receive a single renewal notification when their current licence expires, outlining their payment plan until 2016-17. There is no need to contact TV Licensing unless there is a change to their address, bank details or they become eligible for a short term or free licence once they turn 74 or 75.
Contact: TV Licensing press office. Tel +44(0)20-7544-3144, Email
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