Veritas takes its innovative prevention based genetic services portfolio to the European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG) Conference 2022 and will present results from WGS genomic screenings in 400 patients from the Clínica Universidad de Navarra
- For years, the European Human Genetics Conference has been a global landmark event due to the presence of the best human genetics specialists in the world and the quality and interest of the presentations.
- During the conference, which will take place from June 11 to 14 in Vienna, Veritas will present a summary of results from more than 400 whole genome sequencing based genetic analysis from the the Clínica Universidad de Navarra.
MADRID, June 10, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Veritas Intercontinental will take part in the European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG) Conference which will be held from June 11 to 14 at the Austria Center Vienna. The event will bring together companies and speakers from around the world, leaders in the world of genomics, where the latest advances in human genetics will be presented.
For years, the European Human Genetics Conference has been a global landmark event due to the presence of renowned human genetics specialists and the quality and interest of its many scientific presentations.
The ESHG Conference has two principal objectives: to provide a platform for the dissemination of the most interesting advances in the field of human genetics, and to promote the education of the next generation of human geneticists. The concurrent and educational plenary sessions, concurrent symposia, workshops and poster exhibitions complete an exciting programme.
In this context, along with specialists from the Clínica Universidad de Navarra, Veritas presents a poster which details the results of a genomic based analyses of 400 patients from the medical check-up unit at the clinic, which have found clinically relevant findings in a significant percentage of cases. "In a patient carrying a pathogenic variant in their genes that is responsible for a disease, we can also determine the probability, which is also high, of developing a specific disease. Thanks to the analysis utilizing whole genome sequencing and clinical interpretation, we can establish appropriate control and follow-up measures for each specific case, which gives us the opportunity to carry out predictive and preventive health care, anticipating as much as possible the development of the disease in order to avoid it or detect it at an early stage," details Dr Luis Izquierdo, Chief Medical Officer at Veritas, "Results like those obtained in the Medical Check-up unit at the Clínica Universidad de Navarra" –continues Dr Izquierdo-"reveal the fundamental role of genomics in the context of personalised medicine, with greater focus in preserving health than in alleviating disease."
The Scientific Programme Committee (SPC) defines the themes with the aim of updating the public in relation to the concepts, mechanisms and technologies emerging in human genetics, while also providing an extensive overview of the progress made within the different areas of this discipline.
The ESHG in Vienna provides an ideal platform to enable direct contact between scientists and exhibitors. The event, which takes place annually, addresses three large sectors: training, laboratory technology and laboratories.
The exhibition area will gather more than 140 companies from this sector, a fact that demonstrates its vitality and growing interest. On its stand, X4-954, Veritas will exhibit its wide range of options which, within preventive medicine, notably include its whole genome sequencing (myGenome). It will also be displaying a complete portfolio of tests which range from risk of hereditary oncological or cardiovascular disease, to a complete range of tests oriented towards perinatal medicine, along with genetic diagnostic services and genetic counselling.
About Veritas Intercontinental
Veritas Intercontinental was founded in 2018 thanks to Dr Luis Izquierdo, Dr Vincenzo Cirigliano and Javier de Echevarría, who have amassed extensive experience in the field of genetics, diagnosis and biotechnology. Initially linked to Veritas Genetics, a company founded in 2014 by Professor George Church, one of the pioneers in preventive medicine, Veritas was established with the objective of integrating genome sequencing and its clinical interpretation into general healthcare as a tool for preventing disease, improving health and quality of life.
In March 2022, Veritas announced that it would become part of LetsGetChecked, a company with headquarters in Dublin and New York which provides global health solutions and the tools to manage health from home through direct access to diagnostic tests and virtual care.
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