LAS VEGAS, July 20, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Smart NFTs are the next innovative evolution of NFTs pioneered by VIMworld. Known as VIMs (Virtually Integrated Metadata) on the platform, these virtual characters build layered backstories, rather than being just a collection of unchangeable pixels on the screen. These Smart NFTs grow and change based on its owner's interactions with it.
Owners can feed their Smart NFT VIMworld's native token VEED to evolve the artwork and earn treasures or other secondary items in a variety of fun ways to make them unique. When fully utilized, a Smart NFT VIM will become the manifestation of its owner's identity, acting as both a virtual companion and ironclad resume of personal accomplishments.
Smart NFTs rely on frequent and sustained interaction with their owners in order to take their true shape. VIMworld has been expertly designed from the ground up to be an evolutionary open metaverse, and VIMs are intended to be integrated into gaming and social experiences that benefit from integrating user metadata.
NFT buyers are attracted to other projects because of incredible artwork, community hype, and limited minting. After the hype dies down, these collectors are often left wondering what to do besides holding. VIMworld understands these pain points first hand. In addition to the ways Smart NFT holders can engage on the VIMworld platform, VIMworld has developed an SDK to attract partnerships and third-party developers to integrate their applications and give users more places to explore and VIMs new ways to evolve.
VIMworld has also developed tools for owners to easily access, store and track progress of an owner's VIMs. The online platform has a robust management tool for feeding and levelling up each VIM. Owners can also check various leaderboards to compare progress to others in the community. While the marketplace allows owners to buy and sell VIMs.
For owners who have a variety of digital assets, VIMworld developed Nufinetes, a secure multi-chain wallet app that currently enables transactions on Ethereum and Vechain, with support for several tokens. It allo Nufinetes is available for iOS and Android so NFT collectors and digital asset holders from all over the world can have one centralized wallet app.
Smart NFTs will continue to evolve as web3 gains wider adoption VIMworld will continue to pave the way with exciting new features and utility that take full advantage of Smart NFT technology.
VIMworld is a revolutionary non-fungible token (NFT) ecosystem that creates a space where entrepreneurship and play combine and thrive. At the core of VIMworld are VIMs themselves, each one unique and permanent. VIMs are Smart NFTs that will deliver an immutable system of authentication, allowing their owners to both store and build value through play whilst building meaningful connections with others.
VIMworld can be accessed through using a VeChain-enabled browser such as the VeChain Sync browser or Google Chrome + Comet Extension. For more information about VIMworld, please visit or follow our social media channels:
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Nufinetes is available in the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. More information can be found on The app can also directly be downloaded.
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