With More Rewards, More Cashback, SiteTalk Fulfills Founders' Goal
NEXXAR, Malta, July 17, 2014 /PRNewswire/ --
Global Digital Services PLC (ECM:STC), owner of SiteTalk.com, one of the world's fastest growing Social Networking Platforms with more than 15,000,000 Members, is pleased to announce that it is poised to achieve its original goal of rewarding SiteTalk Members for their activity and the activity of their friends.
This is the important third and final phase of the Star Club program, and will add both cash rewards and activity points for the activity of Members, and will also reward Members for the activity of the friends they invite to SiteTalk.
On July 31, 2014, the SiteTalk CashBack system will add exciting new cash rewards for Members who install the one-time plugin on their web browser of choice. When shopping at any of the thousands of participating online stores, Members will automatically receive a percentage of their purchases back in the form of cash deposited directly into their SiteTalk CashBack account. The cash rewards can be used on SiteTalk or transferred to the Member's bank account. New shops will be added daily until, finally, more that 15,000 participating online stores will be participating in the SiteTalk CashBack program.
In August, SiteTalk will further enhance the StarClub Rewards Program. All SiteTalk Members participate in the StarClub Rewards Program completely free. Members will now receive an additional 10% of all the points generated by the friends they invited to SiteTalk. That means Members will receive additional activity points each time their friends login, post photos or send out invitations to SiteTalk, plus many more activities.
Additionally, SiteTalk Management has decided to simplify the StarClub rewards program by replacing the Junior and Senior Star Club levels with one "Star Club Executive" level. Star Club Executive Members will receive from 1 to 5 times multiplication levels of their activity points, plus the 10% bonus points for the activity of friends they invited to SiteTalk, PLUS an additional 5% of the points generated by the friends of friends (IE, between the 2nd and 5th levels of friends).
Executive StarClub Members will also be able to use their points/credits to pay for up to 35% of purchases made in the SiteTalk Shop.
Another addition to the CashBack system will reward SiteTalkers 10% in real cash of all the CashBack generated by the friends they invited to SiteTalk. This means that real cash deposits will regularly be made to their SiteTalk CashBack account each time a friend they invited receives "CashBack" with the SiteTalk CashBack program.
StarClub Executive Members will be rewarded even further with a 10% CashBack friends bonus from their friends' cashback activities, plus 5% additional CashBack bonus for the cashback activities of the friends of their friends (2nd to 5th levels of friends). CashBack is deposited into their SiteTalk CashBack account and can be used on SiteTalk or transferred to their regular bank account.
Frank Ricketts, Managing Director of SiteTalk Community Inc., said, "It feels great to have finally fulfilled what we started five years ago. This has been our mission statement, our overarching goal, our dream: Be rewarded for your activity and the activity of your friends. No other Social Networking websites have accomplished what we have, and that really makes us a one of a kind opportunity for our Members."
Find out more at http://www.sitetalk.com
About Global Digital Services PLC
Global Digital Services PLC trades on the Cyprus Stock Exchange's Emerging Companies Market under the symbol STC. SiteTalk Community Inc. became a wholly owned subsidiary of GDS pursuant to a transaction that closed on July 30, 2013. Presently, Global Digital Services PLC's sole asset is SiteTalk Community Inc., a multi-functional and multi-lingual social networking platform that enables Members to connect, communicate and create business opportunities.
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