CHESTER, England, July 7, 2011 /PRNewswire/ --
With new sewing and DIY trends emerging all the time one thing has become clear and that is that the youths of today simply do not hold the skills necessary to take part in these re-emerging crazes.
When it comes to sewing and doing DIY projects like wallpapering and fixing furnishings it's our grandparents that are in the know. The complete lack of knowledge on how to complete basic tasks around the house is perhaps one of the biggest ways we are losing money in our households. As a nation we spend a great deal of money on tasks which we could easily complete ourselves with basic knowledge.
Staff at Terrys Fabrics, however, believe all is not lost as the youths of today have come over all creative, learning basic skills in sewing and knitting. The Director, Paul McGuinness, comments:
"We have noticed an increasing number of grandparents, and grandmothers in particular bringing their grandchildren into our stores to choose fabrics and threads for sewing projects. We already know that many grandparents have taken on the role of carer while their own children are at work and especially with after school and nursery care being so expensive.
"Learning a skill such as sewing fulfills two roles really - the first is that their grandchildren will be more self-sufficient in the future than their own parents and second that it is a really enjoyable way to spend time together, helping to keep the children occupied."
For more information on the products available at Terrys Fabrics pop into the store or go online at or click here to browse Terrys Curtains and cushions.
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