Yuyu Pharma celebrated the 3rd Annual Compliance Program Workshop
SEOUL, South Korea, July 10, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Yuyu Pharma, a Korean healthcare company celebrated its third year of implementing Yuyu's compliance management system by inviting senior management to its "Self-Compliance Day" workshop.
Every year through this workshop, Yuyu Pharma's Compliance Team has helped employees gain a better understanding of the compliance management system process and share best practices. The team has also trained senior management on how to identify the right employees to lead the implementation of that system. Training includes planning what resources are available and what is needed to develop a stronger compliance system at a local level, identifying roles and responsibilities of a compliance leader and team members, and drafting appropriate job descriptions.
Robert Wonsang Yu, Chief Operating Officer of Yuyu, said "Talented People, Vibrant Corporate Culture, and Compliance are key components to Yuyu's future growth and success. I hope through this workshop that our employees will become better managers and can help the company grow in line with global standards."
Since 2016, Yuyu Pharma has implemented several changes to improve transparency. The Yuyu Pharma Compliance Team was commissioned to developed compliance procedures and guidelines for all departments, especially for sales and marketing teams. A Compliance Management Committee convenes on a monthly basis to review team progress. Furthermore, Yuyu's IT and Finance departments have upgraded the company's expense reporting system to create a paperless system.
About Yuyu Pharma
Yuyu Pharma was founded in 1941. The company manufactures, distributes, and does marketing for pharmaceutical products, medical devices, and medical foods in South Korea and Southeast Asia.
Yuyu Pharma is focusing on developing new drugs for treating enlarged prostates and dry eye syndrome.
YY-201, a drug to treat enlarged prostate glands. The drug contains the components of two widely used prostate drugs, but the tablets have been reduced in size so patients can take them more easily, according to the firm.
The dry eye drug, YDE, is currently at pre-clinical stage. It has demonstrated promising results in treating dry eye syndrome in early animal study models.
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/yuyu-pharma/
Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/945111/Yuyu_Pharma_workshop.jpg
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