PRAGUE, Czech Republic, March 25, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- On the occasion of the International Day of Forests, Zentiva approved the planting of 27,800 trees: 20,000 to be planted in Romania in April, and 7,800 in Madagascar. This new step is part of the PlanetZ program which aims to make a continuous and positive contribution to our environment. Zentiva is partnering with the NGOs Planet Urgence and Carpathia Conservation Foundation. The trees are planted in Itasy and Analamanga regions (Madagascar) and Făgăraș Mountains (Romania).
In addition to reducing carbon footprint, these two initiatives will also provide additional sources of income for local communities. In Madagascar, recovering wild silk trees protects biodiversity and enhances the local economy. In Romania, the project that is restoring the areas affected by deforestation is carried out with employees from neighboring localities.
Nick Haggar, Chief Executive Officer Zentiva commented: "The Zentiva team of 4,500 associates is very engaged with our PlanetZ sustainability program. Our ambition is to plant 150,000 trees as part of our carbon-neutral program. We all share this beautiful planet and we all have the responsibility to take care of it. Zentiva has already switched its European manufacturing operations to renewable energy one year ago, and we continue to work on a wide range of environment, social care and governance projects."
The initiatives build on previous Zentiva PlanetZ collaborations in Romania with Forests Without Frontiers which saw 7,000 trees planted in 2019 and April 2020, and in Portugal with ANEFA which saw 4,500 trees planted.
About Zentiva
Zentiva is a producer of high-quality affordable medicines serving patients in Europe and beyond. With a dedicated team of more than 4,500 people and a network of production sites - including flagship sites in Prague, Bucharest, and Ankleshwar - Zentiva strives to be the champion of branded and generic medicines in Europe to better support people's daily healthcare needs.
At Zentiva it is our aspiration that healthcare should be a right and not a privilege. More than ever, people need better access to high-quality affordable medicines and healthcare. We work in partnership with physicians, pharmacists, wholesalers, regulators, and governments to provide the everyday solutions that we all depend on. Learn more about
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