Why Brands are Embracing Multichannel AmplificationTM

How PR and Comms Can Measurably Increase Their Return on Investment



When was the last time someone asked you if you saw a particular video or meme online and you had no idea what they were referring to? With an endless supply of sources for online content and algorithmic-driven feeds supplying it, no two people have the same online viewing experience.

Because there’s a glut of content online, even the biggest brands aren’t getting the organic visibility they once did. Leveraging paid partnerships is a way that many brands are cutting through the online noise to successfully get their story seen and heard by those who matter most. The most fruitful comms strategies include a holistic, Multichannel AmplificationTM approach wherein brands expand the reach of their message using multiple channels. More and more brands are embracing this method as an effective way to improve the return on investment (ROI) for their comms.


What is Multichannel AmplificationTM?

While the term “Multichannel AmplificationTM” is proprietary to PR Newswire, the concept is not new to seasoned PR and comms professionals. As mentioned, Multichannel AmplificationTM is the practice of leveraging multiple channels to widen the distribution of a message. Savvy PR and comms practitioners know that the most impactful comms strategies don’t simply duplicate tactics across many channels to achieve a desired result. Each promotional channel is unique and requires a tailored approach that optimises its effectiveness in promoting a story.

The most important component of a Multichannel AmplificationTM strategy is the connection a brand seeks to foster with its customers. Each member of a brand’s target audience has a unique relationship with various communication channels. Therefore, when developing a Multichannel AmplificationTM campaign, it’s crucial to leverage the strengths of each channel to fortify the relationship with each customer or prospect. To do so effectively, comms teams need to rethink the idea that earned media is the primary benchmark for success.


Moving Beyond Earned Media

In PR and comms, earned media is the gold standard for any successful campaign. However, because audiences for traditional news are shrinking, media is becoming more consolidated and journalists are increasingly stretched thin, PR and comms pros can’t rely solely on earned media to give their story legs and get it in front of their targeted audience. Effectively leveraging owned, shared and paid media is essential for maximising viewership for your brand’s story.

With all the challenges PR pros face in getting attention for their news, they need to generate creative ways to get noticed. Creating multimedia assets that help tell your story can increase engagement with your message and enable better recall of it. Therefore, when leveraging owned, shared and paid media, having multimedia assets as part of your story will increase the success of your comms campaign. Let’s explore how a U.S. brand saw success with this approach.

How One Brand Achieved Success with Multichannel AmplificationTM

At PR Newswire, we’ve helped countless brands spread their message through Multichannel AmplificationTM, and in one recent collaboration with a U.S. brand, we increased brand-related mentions by 36,700% (yes, you read that correctly).

The brand had recently increased their investment in content creation and wanted to broadly disseminate it globally. The brand’s measurable goals included growing the number of outlets where their experts appeared as well as increasing engagement and pickup of their content.

The campaign included:

  • Daily press release content advisories that alerted readers to new pre-market video updates.
  • Daily multichannel news releases that provided journalists with access to a library of all multimedia materials produced for the campaign.
  • A satellite media tour with airings on morning shows in local media markets throughout the U.S.

The results: Viewership of the brand’s content skyrocketed, with the broadcast component performing in excess of 70% over the industry average.

How Three Benefits of Deploying a Multichannel AmplificationTM Communications Strategy

As you can see, when executed methodically with the right partner, Multichannel AmplificationTM has the potential to deliver results previously unachievable for even the most well-known brands. So, if you’re still on the fence as to whether or not this approach might be effective for your brand, consider the following benefits your organisation can reap:

  1. Greater visibility. Because of the ubiquity of content everywhere you turn, leveraging more channels to host your message gives you more opportunities to hit your target. Depending on your campaign’s objective, with a Multichannel AmplificationTM approach, you can target your message using parameters proven to reach your intended audience. Even if you have a stable of channels that reliably deliver your message to the right audience, testing new ones can open your brand up to new users and help you uncover previously unknown insights.
  2. Increased brand exposure leads to sales. According to marketing expert Dr. Jeffrey Lant, a prospective customer has to view a message an average of seven times before they notice it or are compelled to buy what is advertised to them. This is why marketers distribute their message across multiple channels to capture customers' attention. PR professionals can maximise their message's reach and impact by strategically utilising paid, shared and owned channels.
  3. Maintaining more brand control. When you share your brand’s story through paid, shared and owned channels, your brand controls the narrative. Relying primarily on earned media to amplify your news puts your story at the mercy of journalists who may overlook or deprioritise key aspects of the message you want to share. Having a strategic, cohesive message across multiple channels ensures your version of your story is told accurately.


The Bottom Line

In the war for attention, comms campaigns that don’t utilise a Multichannel AmplificationTM approach face a tougher road to success. Brands that hope to ride a wave of earned media as their primary source of getting their message in front of the right audience are missing opportunities to reach untapped markets. To maximise the effectiveness of any comms campaign, brands should include paid, owned and shared media in their strategy. Once you’ve crafted your core message, expanding it to resonate across multiple channels is easier than you may think. But if you’re convinced that a campaign is not a success without earned media, a final consideration is that these channels are increasingly becoming the catalyst that garners the earned media comms professionals covet.

Interested in learning more about how Multichannel AmplificationTM can enhance your next campaign? Talk to an expert today.

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About the Author

Erin-Payton-headshotErin Payton is the Integrated Customer Marketing Manager for PR Newswire. In her role, she develops multichannel marketing campaigns, drives demand generation, fosters brand awareness and creates thought leadership. Away from the keyboard, she is an unabashedly enthusiastic cat mom to Mia.